Charles Edouard Grégoire

(Châtelineau 1901 - Châtelet 1932)

& Madeleine Grégoire-Bailleux (1905-1983)

E.G. = Edouard Grégoire / G.B. = Grégoire-Bailleux

Signed E.G.

Signed G.B.

Signed Grégoire

E.G., flat foot

G.B., different handwritings

Grégoire, hollow foot

G.B. on the tobacco jar in the same handwriting as E.G.

Related production with similar medallions, singed Grégoire and G.B.

See Fauconnier & Migeot, Sel et feu (1995), p. 133-134; see also p. 33 and 133.